Shop Around to Avoid Fees
Are you being charged per transaction? As a business owner, you have enough to worry about. You work hard for your money and shouldn’t be paying any extra or unnecessary costs. Instead, save yourself the expense and the hassle by finding a financial institution that has little to no fees.
MoneyTalks Financial Blog
Let's be honest: money can be complicated That's why we created MoneyTalks, a financial blog series featuring stories from our employees on a range of topics, from budgeting to credit building to home buying and more.
Dealing with Financial Hardship
They told me it wasn't going to happen overnight – and they were right. I looked for quick solutions everywhere: cashing in retirement savings to keep my car on the road, borrowing money from family to make ends meet. But I wasn't fixing the ditch, I was digging myself deeper...
Lessons From: The Distant Artist
Lessons From My Elders I won't always be young. I'm not jaded by the notion that I have a lot of years ahead of me, and many lessons to learn. But eventually, I won't be able to work the same 40 hours per week (plus the occasional side gig) to support my family and cover my heal…
Lessons From: A Veteran's Folly
Lessons From My Elders I won't always be young. I'm not jaded by the notion that I have a lot of years ahead of me, and many lessons to learn. But eventually, I won't be able to work the same 40 hours per week (plus the occasional side gig) to support my family and cover my heal…
How to Make the Most of College Internships
How to Make the Most of College Internships As a college student, I've taken advantage of numerous internships at my university and local businesses. They can be a great way to familiarize yourself with a company, industry, job responsibilities, and can even grow your network.…
Cash Income: Dos and Don'ts of Cash Management
Cash Income: Dos and Don'ts of Cash Management My first jobs were in cafes and restaurants. Depending on the gig and the season, income was inconsistent week to week and month to month, generally less in payroll and more in tips. At times, I was earning 100% cash...
How We Planned a Debt-Free Elopement and Mini Honeymoon
After three years of being engaged, we finally decided to walk down the aisle. To be fair, I never wanted to plan a traditional wedding and take on all the expenses that come with it. Over the years, we struggled to land on a wedding style that suited both of us, but being a good partner means compromising...
College Expenses: How to Survive Tuition
I learned the hard way. I didn't quite realize what student loans entailed and learned so many things along the way that I wish I knew beforehand. I'm here to tell you all the things I wish I knew, so that hopefully you don't go through what I did…
Cats and Dogs: The Costs of Owning a Pet
So, you're thinking about getting a furry friend… Owning a pet has many benefits, like a decrease in stress and depression, as well as having a best friend. While a cat or dog are great companions, it's important to keep in mind the costs…
Family Budgeting with Coupons
Family Budgeting with Coupons Adulting is hard, even when it's filled with great things. Nothing brought me to that sense faster than having $36,000 in student loan debt and working my dream job while being newly married, a new homeowner, and – the cherry on top – having a baby…
Going Out of Town on a Budget
My wife and I love to travel. Well, at least back in the pre-Covid and pre-baby days. Things have definitely changed in the last couple years, but the wanderlust remains. Here's how we've been able to take trips without breaking the bank...