Endicott, NY – Three directors were elected to the board of Visions Federal Credit Union at its 56th Annual Meeting. Officers were elected and appointments were made at a special reorganization meeting held following the Annual Meeting.

Kenneth H. Kidder III was elected, and Christopher H. Marion and Kelly A. Roche were reelected to three-year terms on the board which includes George S. Bobinski Jr., James J. Lewis, Michael A. Mullen, Mary C. Robinson, Laurie Schorno, and Denise B. Stoughton.

Chairman Alan Hertel recognized Laurie Schorno for five years of volunteer service. In addition, President/CEO Tyrone Muse recognized retiring board chairman Alan Hertel for his dedication and commitment throughout his 16 years of volunteer service.

At the special reorganization meeting, the board elected executive committee members Christopher H. Marion Chairperson, Mary C. Robinson Vice Chairperson, George S. Bobinski Jr. Treasurer, and Kelly A. Roche Secretary. Chairman Marion appointed Me'Shae Brooks-Rolling as Associate Director and Alan G. Hertel as Director Emeritus.

The board also reappointed Supervisory Committee members Fermin Romero III and Gordon Thompson to two-year terms and appointed Matthew Stroup and John Koniuto to one-year terms as alternates on the Supervisory Committee, which also includes Douglas J. Camin, Stephanie Jerzak, and Mark A. Wasser.

Ref: March 2022.
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