Endwell, NY – Visions Federal Credit Union employees recently completed their fourth annual “Anti-Hunger Games” to combat food insecurity. The resulting impact spanned throughout Visions’ three-state footprint in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.

The Anti-Hunger Games is an annual giveback campaign led by Visions Cares, the charitable giving initiative of Visions Federal Credit Union. Since the campaign was formalized in 2021, the Anti-Hunger Games has been coordinated by employees on the Visions Cares team and a volunteer committee of Visions staff. Collectively, they work to involve staff in each region that Visions serves as they organize donations, volunteerism, and raise awareness to support community kitchens, pantries, and other organizations that fight hunger in Visions communities.

Laurie Morano, an Anti-Hunger Games committee member and MBL Portfolio Officer for Visions, said, “Hunger is prevalent in every one of our communities, and bringing awareness to it is so important. That’s why every year I look forward to volunteering with the Anti-Hunger Games Committee.” 

Throughout the three-month campaign, Visions employees volunteered to make deliveries with Meals on Wheels, help local food banks and mobile pantries, dig up weeds in community gardens, and more. Together, the volunteers logged over 250 volunteer hours serving more than 20 community organizations.

The Anti-Hunger Games concluded with distributions from an annual food drive during June, when Visions branches and departments competed to donate the most items in a single week. In addition to non-perishable foods, they collected can openers and other items in high demand by food pantries. More than 7,000 food items and 500 can openers were donated by Visions employees and distributed to 25 pantries in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.

To learn more about Visions Cares or request support for a nonprofit organization in a Visions community, visit visionsfcu.org/cares.

About Visions
Visions Federal Credit Union is a not for profit financial institution completely owned by its members. Established in 1966, Visions proudly serves over 250,000 members in communities throughout New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Services include banking as well as auto, home, personal, and business loans. Federally insured by NCUA. Equal Housing Lender.

Ref: Visions FCU press release, 2024.
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